Sunday, June 19, 2011

Most Effective Acne Treatments

Acne is a frequent and common skin condition that affects a majority of people worldwide. There are numerous causes for acne development; some of them include mental stress, environmental factors and hormonal shifts in the body. The androgen hormone induces the sebaceous glands to excrete excessive amounts of oil that clogs the skin pores. Bacteria and dirt accumulate within the skin pores leading to acne formation. Various treatments are available for treating acne however the degree of effectiveness varies based on the type and severity of acne. For mild acne, over the counter medication and home based remedies or herbs can be rather beneficial however in the case of severe acne strong medication becomes necessary. The downside of taking strong antibiotics is the series of side effects that carry health risks.

One acne treatment considered quite effective by health experts and doctors is the use of Retinoids. This treatment can be applied directly onto the skin. The topical medication works by reducing the damage done by acne around the affected area cleaning the bacteria and dirt within the skin pores. Another advantage for taking the treatment is that it increases cell turnover which in other words mean that the skin’s healing ability increases.  On the other hand when retinoids are taken with a mixture of antibiotics it is proven to be more effective since it not only improves acne but also kills bacteria. One such example is over the counter medication known as benzoyl peroxide. The medication usually found in the form of gel, cream and lotion is widely available in the markets and works by getting rid of the bacteria that accumulate within the skin pores. The unclogging of the pores clears and nourishes the skin as well as reduce acne to a great extent.

In case the acne is severe and mild treatment is ineffective it is advisable that a person consult a relevant dermatologist who can prescribe the right form of treatment for the particular skin condition.

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